Monday, March 31, 2008

Deliver Your Web Site From Evil (Part 1)

1. If your website to a server backup. You
if more than one web site to another web host Put important. To rely on a backup of your Web host. Swite two different host
find can access. Each account for the gain. Ftp site to the other, one of the backup server directly, and vice versa. Your home page to download a copy to your computer.
2. & 39; All major file called index.html or & 39; important to the directory of your website, if one does not already have. People like to stop other people pikharyeoneun
this files in the directory.
3. Do not use the old version of the formmail. The new security holes in the script were not used to know how. The same type of filter
they or & gt;. & 39; For a search query or script name & 39; script name & 39; security bug & 39;.
4. Rename the script prior to the installation of all the email to download. Spam sent to your
why a clue what the script is, and how do suhap?
5. Clearly, you do not file or directory names, such as & 39; acceptance & 39;, & 39; email & 39;, such as & 39; order & 39;.
again, why easy for snoopers?
6. Do not leave unencrypted confidential information about the server. God only knows where the
it bangeitneun a computer, access to spend with God knows who you are.
7. To use the popular Web host. One may be a crook
that United Nations - committed to resell. Google page they provide clues to how popular. 2, or send e-mail. How much time it takes to get a reply magazine reported. They checked out of the Forum; how busy? They do not have a public discussion? Next!
8. If you are set. Htaccess file, or any other type of password protection, use a password to a long and diverse.
" ch33s3and0n10n " is much more secure than " cheeseandonion ", and just as memorable. Your passwords at least eight characters in length making, including both letters and numbers, and both sides at the top and bottom - casing. Typical of the word - by force cracking program. Speculation suit.
9. Barefoot required to strip to the bottom of the script. Deuhapnida upgrade them regularly. Many of the basic features are
programs like phpnuke installed. They are webmasters and allow users to control many of the website& 39;s content. This creates a security vulnerability. While the site is a nuclear & 39; Christmas, I hacked by a group of Arabia in 2005. Fortunately, I am the backup. I do not want high-speed Internet access, at the time, it deuhapnida upgrade. I needed only one module operations, and managed to remove the section so inessential things to change permissions on files. The time of writing, I am waiting to see what happens next!
if really need to do, to turn it off.
10. Be careful what you say about other people or products to your site. It
not security, but ... People are very sensitive about the criticism. & 39; Time and energy to spark a war & 39; waste, so avoid them. fran damion

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Beware of The Jury Duty Scam

The jury duty scam is the latest type of & 39; d & 39; identity theft fraudsters to use your personal data. It & 39; talking & 39; a new variant of & 39; d & 39; identity theft has become more, and you should be aware, it is possible, it is again a victim .
With mandatory scam, the jury, which invites you scammer claims that the local working for the Tribunal and you said you did not & 39; n accountable for the work of the jury. He said that & 39; warrant & 39; arrest has been issued for the arrest & 39;.
When, you represent that you & 39; n have never received notification requirements, the jury that the question perfect for the flight & 39; identity fraud. The scammer then prompts you to the verification of identity & 39; want your & 39; issue of social insurance.
Once, it is expected that fraudsters for even more & 39; information such as date of birth, and sometimes credit card numbers, because & 39; there will be more people to be free.
Scammers tell you that & 39; warrant & 39; arrest has been issued for the arrest & 39;, fishing on custody. The thought is so strong, that you should not think about protecting your confidential information and quickly to a victim of & 39; d & 39; identity theft scam. It
Here few opportunities that you can protect themselves from the responsibility of the jury scam.
1. Never & 39; your number of social insurance, credit card number, bank or other personal information & 39; or confidential intermediary & 39; by telephone, unless the claim arises you are positive and you know who you are talking to.
2. People who work for the courts & 39; n is never send to know for whom you call the social security numbers or credit card numbers. If someone wants to get a & 39; this information, hang up.
3. If you & 39; not appear to task, the jury, the court, send a second shipment via e-mail. The courts of appeal & 39; and not to threaten people to stop.
The mandatory jury scam is the latest of a series & 39; s & 39; d & 39; identity theft fraud, where fraudsters use the phone to try to somebody & 39; a social security and d & 39; other confidential information.
The fraudster is to continue to put in more ideas for you and your personal data. But if you know how it works, you can & 39; able to avoid these victims is a duty of jury scam.

Copyright 2005 spy. All rights reserved. youngno masalli

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Boot Camp-Troubleshooting Hardware Bootup Problems

This guide covers troubleshooting d & 39; a PC that does not start at the point where it begins to assign at least one & 39; operating system (hardware related problem). This article is intended for someone who has a little knowledge of PC & 39; s & 39; and the opening is to & 39; and comfortable working in a PC. & 39; If that is not you, then I recommend you take your PC to a repair shop called PC. This is designed as a troubleshooting guide covers general and not all the scenarios that can occur, all & 39; d & 39; omissions or errors are not intentional and will be updated if necessary.
Now let & 39; s get started .. Simple
Keep it
First and foremost, I can not stress enough the fact that when he acts & 39; s PC troubleshooting, KEEP IT SIMPLE! You will save a lot of time and effort & 39; if you start looking for the simplest and most obvious solutions first.
With that being said here is a list of some things you should start looking first ..
1. Check the cable & 39; food
(reason: ensuring the PC is powered and that the problem & 39; n is not just a bad cable & 39; food)

Is it connected to the & 39; back of the PC hermetically?
Is it connected to a source of & 39; diet?
If it is connected to a bar & 39; food --- is the power bar connected and turned on?
If possible, try another cordon d & 39; food and / or food bar & 39; Is
blown circuit breaker in the building? Try another outlet

2. Check the monitor
(pattern: Make sure the monitor is still working. When you start a computer you expect to see something on the screen & 39;, & 39; if you have not, we can think that their PC is not working then that & 39; in fact there is something No problem with the monitor)

The power cable is plugged & 39; tight to the rear of the & 39; & 39 ; screen? The cable
d & 39; food is plugged into a source of & 39; diet?
If it is connected to a bar & 39; food --- is the power bar connected and turned on?
Is the monitor turned on? Does the
video cable to the monitor plugged tightly into the video card in the PC? Are
contract and brightness settings of the monitor are adjusted correctly?
If possible, try another monitor.

3. Check the visually & 39; food
(reason: a PC can boot on one point with a lack of food & 39; but can quickly lead to overheating to the PC to stop running)

he turn when the fan the PC is switched on? Do you feel in
hot to the touch? Do
any witnesses & 39; s light when the PC button d & 39; food is pressed?

4. Check the keyboard
(reason: a PC needs & 39; a keyboard to boot, most of the time & 39; s there is a problem of keyboard message will be displayed at & 39; screen, but it & 39; n is not always the case and the computer can & 39; s & 39; stop at the boot & 39;)

The keyboard is connected to the PC?
If possible, try another keyboard.

5. Check the floppy and CD
(reason: when a PC starts, by default, it will try to boot from the CD or floppy first. S & 39; there is a disc in the 39 & ; one of these discs, although this is not a & 39; bootable disk, PC can try booting from the disk. Most of the time a message d & 39; s error when he displays & 39; does not support booting from the hard & 39; but this is not always the case)

Is there a disk in the floppy drive?
Is there a disc in the CD drive?

A person may think that c & 39; is a waste of time to check these simple things and you want to jump on top of the checklist. I can not count how many times I have been called & 39; to troubleshoot a PC only to find that the bar & 39; power is turned off or there was a disk in the floppy drive or CD. Take the time to check things easy --- I guarantee you that & 39; it will save a lot of headaches and frustration.
Advanced Troubleshooting
When a computer is first turned on & 39;, equipment operates a Power-On Self Test (POST). If errors are encountered during this test POST, they are usually indicated by an audible signal, either in the form of & 39; a code displayed on the screen & 39;. With this code & 39; error, you can determine what part of & 39; system is having problems and find a solution. You have probably heard a beep code in the past, and not just seen. You know the one or two short beeps makes your computer when you turn it on, c & 39; is a beep code indicating everything checks out OK. With some computers, it may seem & 39; n is no beep code, which is probably the case here, is that & 39; c & 39; there is a problem with the internal speaker in the PC, it is either absent, no longer works correctly or not connected to the motherboard. If this happens in your case, try to see a visual code is displayed on the monitor, if nothing then proceed to the next section.
To to check a code of & 39; error on your PC, turn on your computer and listen to everything & 39; beep and watch on the monitor screen & 39; d & 39; a code. & 39; As I have said, one or two short beeps indicates everything is OK, if you encounter different sequences or the length of beeps, in writing what you have heard, (for example, 1 long beep monitoring two short beeps) or write down the error code & 39; on the screen. Codes & 39; error vary from PC to PC depending on the manufacturer of the motherboard via a PC. It would be beyond the scope of this guide d & 39; include all error codes & 39; manufacturer as some may be missed, and some may change as new technologies are introduced. Conduct an Internet search using your favorite search engine can find many sites specific to your PC. They will have a list of codes, what they mean & 39; and potentially how to fix them, look for the code you have written previously. The material generally checked by the POST test is the motherboard, processor, power supply, memory and video card. If & 39; error c!
ode states that & 39; there is a problem in one of these areas, make sure all the cards in the PC are seated correctly in the slots motherboard and the power supply cables d & 39; are connected to the snuggly motherboard. If everything was done and that you continue to receive an error code & 39; then every chance of the device and & 39; n & 39; a & 39; not need to be replaced.
If the POST test does not reveal the source of the problem, the next step is to open the PC.
Staying with the theme of maintaining simplicity, we want to try booting the PC with the minimum equipment required to start a computer. Anything that & 39; you need to get started is a PC motherboard, memory, a kind of media (floppy, hard disk, CD, etc.) and & 39; video card. What we want to do is & 39; remove or unplug all equipment unnecessary.

Leave a form of media player connected to start with, preferably, the floppy drive if available, and disconnect any other readers.
Remove all cards except the video card. Remove all
exception of memory & 39; Insert a stick
bootable media (floppy, CD, etc.) and power on the PC

If the PC does not start with a minimum of equipment, the problem may lie with the video card, memory, or at the motherboard. Try & 39; use another memory stick if you have one, and try d & 39; use another video card. Friends and family can be great sources for it, ask to borrow their video card or the memory of their PC, be sure to put it back when you are finished. If the change of memory and video card do not work then most likely that you have a problem with the motherboard and will need & 39; be replaced.
If it unbootable.

Turn it off
Insert or connect a device that had been previously removed
d & 39; Try booting again.
Repeat these steps until & 39; that the & 39; computer unbootable.

Once the PC does not start yet, the last device that was connected is the problem and must be replaced or permanently deleted.
If you get to this point and your PC & 39; n is not to load a system of exploitation & 39; then & 39; that it is time & 39; have a qualified look at the problem or purcahse a new PC. You gave it your best shot but sometimes a new series of & 39; eyes may see something that may have been missed. nakisha yan

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Principles For Search Engine Positioning

Find a lot of information online. Suit during a search engine for information about the location of some of the best the other hand, it is very bad. Conversely, popular belief, it is larger Seo website without the use of a bad defeat. Suit. The secret of the following three important rules of the search engine& 39;s rankings, and do it successfully. In this article, I will be more than three to explain the rules about the number of research and how they may help you.
the keywords and the first rule is to learn how to appropriately rank sites. To optimize your site, you can beat the experts may not suit the mood. However, it is important to make sure that you select the appropriate keywords. Keywords are factors that determine the value of any competition, popularity, and targeting. Keywords are the best people can gain traffic. Suit, but in a situation where you will not let seuege can get caught fight the best I can. Avoid the use of common terms like " credit card, & quot; competition.
the some of the extreme levels of the second rule is that your search engine positions, make sure the content is relevant. Enjoy the site search engine optimized for the keywords ported to a specific page. Many try to trick the bad Seo professional doorway pages, as now, it will eventually get your site banned. When visitors come to your site is, you have to provide them with content that they need to keep coming back for a third more.
the rules is the position of the search engine link popularity. The suit also define your link popularity. Link to a site that yangeuleseo to other Web pages. The increasingly popular Web sites link to their Web site will enhance the popularity. When viewing your site in search engines, your site will depend on how the term is coal rank and the number of links to your site. Having a large number of incoming links is not enough. You must also search engine to index and understand how to connect. Please print this article, just to confirm my signature file and the internal tactics to remain on the proper purpose of the link is clicked. For more information, visit his site Aaron nimocks directory is magenta. annie cortez

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